Conservation District Specialty PlatesIf your looking for a way to support your local Conservation District and show it off, we have something for you!
For $25.00, you can help support your local conservation district. For every plate bought in Clay County, we will receive $20.00. For more information click on the link below: |
Fruit Trees Now Available!!!!Here is your chance to grow your own fresh fruit for canning, juicing, or just snacking on!
Are you are looking to grow delicious apples, peaches, cherries, or plums, or how about some grapes or blueberries? And don't forget about some hardy pecans, hazelnuts or walnuts. We have many varieties to choose from. This is a great idea for those of us who may not live on a farm but have the extra space in our lawns or an empty lot you've been needing to do something with. Fill it up with Fruit and Nuts, and live off your land for a healthy alternative to store bought fruit that comes from who knows where being subjected to who knows what kind of chemicals and pesticides. Give us a call today at 870-598-2287 ext.3 and start your new healthy lifestyle! |
Hardwood & Pine Trees